Posts Tagged ‘Electronic’
Ugh. It’s happening again. I’m getting clingy. I never mean to, it’s just that some artists have talent in racks upon racks and what am I meant do about it and who are you tell me what’s right and wrong get off my back I’m doing the best I can. This time it’s Oscar Key Sung whose EPs and work with both Oscar + Martin and Brothers Hand Mirror have been impeccable. I have here the perfect double for you, a combination of two electronic maestros whose tandem output is better than the work of either one alone. Thomas William has provided the original beat via his gorgeous Andromeda before Oscar Key Sung has walked all over the thing with lush vocals and a straightening out of the beat. EVERYONE WINS. It’s the first track from Thomas William’s Deccan Technicolour Remix album which sees the likes of Oscar Key Sung, Option Command, Dro Carey and plenty of other Aussie beatmakers applying their vibez to Thomas William’s already strong record. There’s also this brand new collab between William and Guerre which you’d do well to take heed of.
Two minutes and nine seconds of split and spliced, feet on both pedals, synth vacuumed triptronica. That’s probably the best way to describe this joint that I’ve lifted from Thomas William’s Deccan Technicolour. Even if it’s an absolute mess of a sentence, you’re on my blog so you’ll ingest my opinions and afterwards you’ll ask for seconds because that’s just the polite thing to do damnit. Even more so since Life Aquatic Blog closed its doors today, so your sources of quality Australian curation have just decreased by one, and what a one it was.
Now, it’s probably about time you hit play on this so up and at ‘em folks. The lovechild of a drunken threeway between Seekae, Fishing and Brothers Hand Mirror, these tunes are worth investing your bandwidth in, especially since they won’t touch your coin purse. He’s been a stalwart of the Sydney experimental electronic scene for as long as anyone can remember and is only just recently back in the game so we’d all do well to give him a warm welcome given the strength of sound on which he returns. Ignoring all ill-informed comparisons, this record is pretty spectacular.
You’ll find that he’s also a finalist in FBi’s Northern Lights competition so if you dig this enough to cast a vote then cast a vote.

I hadn’t heard of Apparat before he released his most recent album The Devil’s Walk about a month ago. He’s a German with a penchant for focusing on the minute sounds that make up the rich knitwork of the bigger audio and the attention to detail yields heavy dividends on the newest record (and maybe on the earlier records, I haven’t heard them, get off my back about it).
Apparat is a structural disciple of the slowbuild, layering vocal atop choral atop orchestral atop instrumental atop ambient noise, finally underpinned by underplayed beats. It won’t give you that immediate nothing to everything moment that dubstep is famous for [over]providing but it’ll give you a more gratifying experience of listening to an artist that is rewarding for more than the very short term.
The album is across-the-board solid but here are two highlights from The Devil’s Walk.
Apparat – ‘Ash/Black Veil’
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Apparat – ‘Escape’
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Owen Ashworth has been making music under the moniker of Casiotone For The Painfully Alone since ’97 but only at the end of last week with what is effectively the band’s siren song did I take the time to listen to a track through. Andrew Maxam tried to get me to listen back in the day but I said ‘Nay Andrew, I know better’. I did not know better. I couldn’t get past the dissidence between vocal and beat. This week, Roland K Smith put this on my plate and I’ve been enamoured since.
This track is the parting track he left in his wake as he left behind the years long project of CFTPA. Named and listed are almost certainly everyone he’s ever loved, known or met on yahoo chat. I’m still trying to work out how a track with beats this excitable still manages to have any emotional resonance yet it’s there, proving that you don’t have to resort to minor chords and falsetto to convey sadness.
Listen, then listen again in about an hour. It’s really, really good.
Casiotone For The Painfully Alone – ‘Goodbye Parthenon’
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He has swathes of recordings behind him, many of which you’ll find available free online.
Remember these cats? Back in September last year, you and I bonded over how much we really liked ‘Surrounded By Your Friends’ by Hooray For Earth. You downloaded it (without charge) and we all agreed that when you turned 18 you’d make the DJ that your dad hired play it at your party. Well reshuffle that playlist, friend, because Hooray For Earth are at it again. ‘True Loves’ is the first single from their soon to be released album of the same name. The record will be out on June 7 and it seems like it’ll bridge the gap between bands like Foster the People and Animal Collective.
The accompanying video clip is a mishmash of hyper-era costume and smouldering romance. You’ll dig it, audio and video alike.