Posts Tagged ‘Australia’
Sures were guaranteed a write up, mostly because Matt Hogan sings in a little band called Sleepyhands (and he’s a swell dude) but also because this track Poseidon draws a straight line from the Beachboys to the present via The Explorer’s Club. Big ol’ harmonies deepen up the effect heavy guitar line, which itself cuts free at the tail end of the track. Good things with a promise of better things from Sydney’s Sures.
Sures – ‘Poseidon’ [FREE MP3]
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I’m completely getting behind the new track from Parades. If you haven’t already heard of them (which I find hard to believe) they’re Jono Boulet‘s other band. That’s unfair though, because they’re more than that. They’re probably (definitely) the best upbeat post-rock Australia has to offer.
Their first 2008 and 2009 demos got a little attention but it was their cracking live show that brought them to the fore. Then they dropped their debut full length Foreign Tapes to general applause. Now you’re up to speed. Last week they gave up the firstfruits of their sophomore release as a free download to those who sign up to their mailing list here. It’s pretty clear that they’ve become a whole lot more refined over the past few years.
Parades – Water Stories
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Parades – Hunters (from their 2009 Demo)
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Sydneysiders, they’re playing April 8 at the Gaelic. I promise you won’t regret attending.
Open wide your mind and appreciate Sydney based Solkyri. They write instrumental post-rock tracks that are well… they’re pretty rad. They’ve been around for about 5 years (someone correct me if I’m wrong) and they’ve paid their dues to the Sydney scene unlike many of the recent upstart fauxk artists that are falling upon us like a steady drizzle. It’s hard for me to get behind an artist that writes a few demos, gets picked up by a major then drops a debut EP. I’m looking at you Georgia Fair. Also, while we’re here, has anyone noticed a steady decline into cynicism on this blog over the past few months? I’m not sure who to blame for that. Let’s point the figure at musicians. Intertwined with that cynicism is a refusal to take responsibility for my actions. Wow. The vibe is getting weird in here. I’m out.
Solkyri – This Can’t Wait!
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Download ‘This Can’t Wait!’ for free at their bandcamp. Better still, get the whole record. It’s “pretty cool”.
Melbourne’s Husky have written some very, very catchy choruses that will undoubtedly lead to attention from the same sort of folk who foam at the mouth over Matt Corby or, dare I say it, Boy & Bear. I do wonder if there’s there any room on the market for another band tapping that same demographic though. I’ll wager Husky will be signed to a major in the next 6 months. Keep your eyes peeled. In the meantime, download liberally from their Unearthed page.
Apparently they’ve been around for five years. Maybe they “got good” recently. More likely though, everyone around me has been conspiring to keep them a secret from me leading to a situation similar to that of the Truman Show. They even (and this going to sound like more of my usual foolery, but it’s true) received a federal government grant midway through last year, presented by none other than Peter Garrett.
Husky – History’s Door
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Also, does anyone remember Evermore? I used to love this song. I hear one of them is working at Bing Lee in Miranda these days. It’s a fickle industry.
Evermore – It’s Too LAte
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This post is about three things and all three of those things are Valar. There are two sub categories however, and those are the incredible yet two month old live recording they did of a never-before-heard track called ‘Uptight’ and the dramatic price drop of their debut EP. I’ll keep this short.
The song/video rules. The EP is now THREE DOLLARS. That’s a pittance. If you’ve been sitting on their bandcamp streaming their album, never dipping into your pockets for the necessary five dollars then now’s your chance to redeem your honour. That’s a two dollar coin and a one dollar coin. Mathematics. I know. Finance aside it was one of the very best EP’s released last year. Rawkblog certainly thought so.
Smash this into your eyes.
While I have your attention, here’s another new track that James played without the aid of the rest of the band during his particularly short American tour.
Matt Davis, you’re welcome.