Posts Tagged ‘Australia’

posted by tommy

Sydney based rapper (don’t stop reading here, I know this doesn’t bode well, but stay with me) Miracle is an 18 year old, Ghanean born character who just finished his HSC. He sampled Pete Murray’s Better Days for a high school assignment (that much I learnt from Who The Hell blog) but it’s his version of Angus and Julia Stone’s Big Jet Plane that got me all frazzled.

Hear more tracks here.

posted by tommy

Valar have just released two glorious new songs titled Don’t Hold Back and Silverman. They’re both available at as free downloads so chase that up. As an added bonus for cinema fans, the two tracks are available as a 6 minute long feature film which is screening semi-exclusively right here on Sound Doctrine. Cast your eyes below. Margaret Pomeranz gave it four and a half stars while David Stratton simply said, “I don’t get it but I really like it.”

posted by tommy

Melbourne band Boy In A Box have just one track (as far as I can tell). It’s called Moon Comes Up and it’s been bouncing about my head like a beachball at a Nickelback concert. It’s a little poppy, a little cheesy and it’s ripe to be a Triple J hit over the summer (has it dropped just a little too early?) but I just can’t argue with a chorus like this. My last post was a bit wordy so I won’t say anymore. Have a listen.

Boy In A Box – Moon Comes Up

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Download the single on iTunes. Thank you Sally Anthony.

posted by tommy

Women never make good music. There’s not a single current or historical female musical figure of any significance. It’s an empirical fact. I checked. Online. Obviously this is all untrue but if you’re a woman (or a man with a heart for justice) then now you’ve probably got your blood up and you’re ready to listen to Kyü.

I’d love to post exclusively about Sydney artists but there just aren’t enough to match my untameable work ethic so I’m glad to get the chance to do so now. Kyü are a Sydney band and have female vocals. I’m not sure why but I’ve always found it hard to get involved with a female vocalist. It’s probably because i’m a massive chauvinist pig. In this case I’ve been able to push past my prejudices.

Kyü get described as art-pop which is about as specific as the alternative section at a JB Hi-Fi. That said, I couldn’t classify their music and I don’t think we need to. If you’re reading Sounddoc then you’ve already got at least some small degree of trust in my taste. This is Kyü.

Kyü – Trains

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Download the recently released full-length on iTunes.

posted by tommy

Longtime Sound Doctrine favourite Luke Webb has packed his bags and set proverbial sail for the Americas. He’s going to be recording a few tracks and playing a few shows as a prize for taking out the Telstra Songwriters Award earlier this year. Before leaving though, he gave us a farewell gift in the form of Blue Umbrella, a pretty track that’s available for [free] download on his website. I guess you could say I’m regifting it. Like the time Marcus Lockard tried to regift me an ps3 game I gave him for his birthday. I don’t even have a ps3. Massive bellend.

Luke Webb – Blue Umbrella

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