
posted by tommy

Something a little bit out-of-control-gorgie for you right here (that’s ‘gorgeous’ for those of you over 30 and under 26. It’s a specific lingo but we believe in it deeply). Absent is a little bit Tracy Chen in its gently acoustic guitar manipulations but it’s got its own flavor that doesn’t see it treading on any toes, however lightly this song may step. The second and slightly less recent ‘Paper Moon’ is all about this guitarwork (is there any way to say ‘guitarwork’ without sounding like I’m referring to prog-rock?) reminiscent of Kurt Vile’s Blackberry Song (aka one of the most gorgeous pieces of sound you’ll ever hear). Reportedly from Melbourne, I don’t know much about Lue, only what I’ve managed to lift from my favourite Australian MP3 blog Eucalypt who wrote about her last week. Incidentally, if you want to get the drop on what Sound Doc is going to be covering going forward, just bookmark Eucalypt. I plan to have a lawsuit on my hands before the end of the financial year and that means a healthy dose of plagiarism.

post-script, I just noticed she’s following both the Middle East and Stolen Violin on soundcloud and that makes heaaaaaaps of sense to me. Some of these sounds could be lifted straight onto the next Stolen Violin record, if Jordan hadn’t already announced his intentions to shift direction. If you know me half-well, and I should hope you might by now, you’ll know that any Middle East reference is high praise coming from these fingers.

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