King Charles

posted by tommy

“Never let a woman go even when you know
She can always be replaced.
She can always be replaced.
Oh, lust only grows like anger and revenge
Oh beauty comes and goes but love stays until the end”

She can always be replaced!? It’s not the height of romance but it’s a catchy opening to a track. Love Lust by King Charles (not a horrible band name!) is really a two part song. Once the electric kicks in the whole feel of the song shifts. The underlying message remains the same though – “love will set your soul on fire”. Actually it’s not really an underlying message is it. A message can probably be considered direct when it’s sung outright. Just listen to the song. I recently read a quote which ran “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture” and I’m feeling that a little today. Nothing I’ve said has accurately captured what it is that makes this track so damn good but I’m hoping that the below stream will succeed where my words have failed.

King Charles – Love Lust

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Hear a few more tracks as well as a cover of Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire on King Charles’ myspace. The only place I can’t find this track available for purchase is on iTunes UK.

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