Posts Tagged ‘Australia’
Jonathan Boulet – You’re A Animal
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I don’t know why so much is made of the fact that Jonathan Boulet is 22. It’s not that young. Old mate from Tim & Jean is 12 or something, isn’t he? That‘s young. Two things should be said though: when I say 12 I’m exaggerating and Jonathan Boulet has more than the combined talent of Tim AND Jean.
After releasing his hugely successful self titled debut album, Boulet is back with a new single called You’re A Animal. While I don’t absolutely love the recording you can bank on it being enormous live. The first time I saw J. Boulet was at Manning Bar late last year in support of the recently discussed Middle East. The energy of his live show was pretty attractive so I can’t wait to see how the pace of this You’re A Animal fits into his set. You can catch the tail end of the You’re A Animal Tour on any of the below dates.
December 3 – Newcastle – CBD Hotel
w/ Grace Woodroofe, Nova and the experience
December 4 – Sydney – Beach Road Hotel
w/ Grace Woodroofe, Megastick Fanfare
December 9 – Brisbane – Alhambra Hotel
w/ Grace Woodroofe, Sunshine Ensemble
December 10 – Adelaide – Uni Bar
w/ Grace Woodroofe, Jimmy and the Mirrors, East End Villians
December 17 – Melbourne – The East Brunswick Club
w/ Grace Woodroofe, The Parking Lot Experiment
It’s been a long time between drinks if you’re a fan of the Middle East but at last we have something new to sate the thirst. It’s been three years since the Recordings of the Middle East was released (the full length, not the EP) and a year since they released Dirty Looks but a few days ago Triple J played the new song Jesus Came To My Birthday Party.
There are differences and similarities to The Recordings. Bree’s vocals now seem to be the main focal point of the harmonies and it’ll be interesting to see if that continues to be the case with the rest of the album when that drops, whenever that drops. Anyway, enough from me, just listen to it. I’d provide a stream but the mp3 isn’t available yet.
At 3:30 this morning Valar, with your best interests at heart, uploaded a new track to their bandcamp. It’s called Make No Sound, ironically named since the song itself is full of sound – probably a good thing since four minutes of silence would arguably be the most pretentious thing Valar have released so far. On top of this, John Cage would probably sue for copyright were he still alive. It is however, a step forward for Valar being unlike any other recording they’ve released so far. Enjoy.
Valar – Make No Sound [FREE DOWNLOAD]
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If you haven’t already then be sure to download a few more of Valar’s tracks [for free] here. They also have a blindingly good EP for sale too. Get behind it and spend a tiny bit of coin.
In the overpopulated genre of folk-horror you’d have to think that Graveyard Train would be near the top of the game. There’s a whole lot of fauxk out there but the real meter stick of true folk is this: does someone in the band play the chain? Graveyard Train must surely be the only Australia act that can answer that question positively. Multi-instrumentalist J.J. Cadaver (he also plays the harp & the kazoo) works the chain like a convict, though it’s not particularly evident in the video below. There is however some cracking washboard action. They capture the oldentime feel immaculately. The song I really wanted you to hear is not the below track but their rumbling ballad Run Billy Run but iTunes rejected my credit card as I’d spent all my remaining coin on an industrial jar of heartbeats. I maintain I made a wise purchase. Confectionary aside, you should listen to Run Billy Run on their myspace.
No free downloads but if you want to order a hardcopy of their record The Drink, The Devil & The Dance then visit their myspace or download a copy through iTunes.
If anyone from the band reads this, you should probably send me a promo copy of the album… just sayin’.
I hope everybody had a great Halloween. I know I sure did. I had a particularly scary evening spent out west. Something that’s neither Western nor scary however, are the melodious songs of Inland Sea, a band from the fiery Northern realm (I’ve been reading fantasy novels lately) of Queensland. Don’t even act like you didn’t love every bit of that segway. One moment we’re talking about Halloween then- What!? Did we just change topic!? I know. I know.
Anyway, Queensland, harmonies, violins, you’ll love it. They cite Arcade Fire as an influence, probably because they both have way too many band members to fit comfortably on a stage. A ten piece! Imagine dragging that around the country. I ‘spose the upside is that they can arrange some glorious five part harmonies. I guarantee- I GUARANTEE you’ll be hearing a lot more about the Inland Sea in months to come.
Here’s one of three tracks that they’ve made available for free download.
Inland Sea – No Time
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A copy of their EP will set you back $8.45 on itunes.