Graveyard Train

posted by tommy

In the overpopulated genre of folk-horror you’d have to think that Graveyard Train would be near the top of the game. There’s a whole lot of fauxk out there but the real meter stick of true folk is this: does someone in the band play the chain? Graveyard Train must surely be the only Australia act that can answer that question positively. Multi-instrumentalist J.J. Cadaver (he also plays the harp & the kazoo) works the chain like a convict, though it’s not particularly evident in the video below. There is however some cracking washboard action. They capture the oldentime feel immaculately. The song I really wanted you to hear is not the below track but their rumbling ballad Run Billy Run but iTunes rejected my credit card as I’d spent all my remaining coin on an industrial jar of heartbeats. I maintain I made a wise purchase. Confectionary aside, you should listen to Run Billy Run on their myspace.

No free downloads but if you want to order a hardcopy of their record The Drink, The Devil & The Dance then visit their myspace or download a copy through iTunes.

If anyone from the band reads this, you should probably send me a promo copy of the album… just sayin’.

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