Archive for November, 2012

posted by tommy

Sweet heavens, Brothers Hand Mirror have thrown me a curve ball. The pair had the nerve to release a new EP the very night that I’m off to see their show. HOW AM I GOING TO MOUTH THE WORDS STAGE RIGHT WHEN I DON’T KNOW THE SONGS!? How indeed. Hopefully it’s loud enough so as I can just move my mouth about a bit and the rest of the club will assume that I know something they don’t via bootlegs/youtube. “Yeah, this is set is mostly just underground joints for the oldschool fans”. I won’t actually say underground though, I’ll just say “UG”. Up on it.

Posturing aside, it’s a good EP. A much, much more cohesive collection of tracks that hold together more than those of their last EP, while maintaining that eccentric aural collage that gets your underarms moist. The first song you’ll stream below is called ‘Friend of Mine’ and it sees Oscar Key Sung providing a more accessible beat than most we’ve heard from him (Assuming that this is one of his. HTMLFlowers has been dabbling in his own beatsmanship lately). The second is the last of the five, the title track ‘Muddy Now’ and it’s most pleasurable indeed. It’s no more than a single note electrified and repeated with some birdsongs buffering it from the ever more impressive verse of HTMLFlowers. I have to shuffle off pretty soon so let’s call that it for the moment and barring accident I’ll pad this out later down the track. I’ll let you know how the live versions are played out. If you’re in Sydney then you should probably just meet me there. k-c-u-soon.

Brothers Hand Mirror – Friend Of Mine

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Brothers Hand Mirror – Muddy Now

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Download the whole EP over here on a pay-what-you-want basis.

posted by tommy

Two new cuts from the forthcoming Silver & Gold Christmas records that I may or may not have spent near $200 on last month (SPOILER: I did). The new tracks are inspiring me to think that it may have been a great decision after a slight scare with Mr Frosty Man. The video was excellent but the song was, you know, alright or whatever. Good King Wenceslas is straight out of the Age of Adz songbook while Alphabet St is a cover of the Prince original. Both are crazy cosmic. Sort of bizarre that at the end of Good King Wenceslas he takes up an ‘Alphabet Street’ chant although by this stage you’d think there was little that old man Stevens could do to surprise me. Play the two in quick succession as there’s a really lovely transition. You can download the both of them via soundcloud (for free) or you can wait another nine days and get the full 58 tracks for a mere $15.

Sufjan Stevens – Good King Wenceslas

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Sufjan Stevens – Alphabet St

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