Archive for 2011

posted by tommy

This post is about three things and all three of those things are Valar. There are two sub categories however, and those are the incredible yet two month old live recording they did of a never-before-heard track called ‘Uptight’ and the dramatic price drop of their debut EP. I’ll keep this short.

The song/video rules. The EP is now THREE DOLLARS. That’s a pittance. If you’ve been sitting on their bandcamp streaming their album, never dipping into your pockets for the necessary five dollars then now’s your chance to redeem your honour. That’s a two dollar coin and a one dollar coin. Mathematics. I know. Finance aside it was one of the very best EP’s released last year. Rawkblog certainly thought so.

Smash this into your eyes.

While I have your attention, here’s another new track that James played without the aid of the rest of the band during his particularly short American tour.

Matt Davis, you’re welcome.

posted by tommy

What better way to start your first week back at uni than with a new track from the Middle East. It’s finally upon us. Well, almost. It’s our second taste of their sophomore record I Want That You Are Always Happy, due out on the 8th of April. Keen to hear your thoughts.

The Middle East – Black Death 1349

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posted by tommy

New music from the Dodos. Their fourth album is due for release on the 14th of March. They’re hardworkers, the Dodos. They’ve dropped four records over the past five years and managed to find time for two trips to Australia. Hopefully they’ll tour again on the back of this forthcoming record. With Fleet Foxes hotly anticipated new record coming out mid year perhaps we can hope for a repeat of the Fleet Foxes/Dodos tour that ruined every other show I saw in 2009.

The Dodos – Don’t Stop

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posted by tommy

Be it the guitar effects, arrangements or even the band’s name itself, so much about Olympic Ayres reminds me of Foals. Listen in particular to Black & Blue for serious Foals reference. There’s a free three track EP on their bandcamp with your name on it. I’m instantly more ready to like an artist with a bandcamp. The day that myspace is completely phased out and bandcamp is the go-to music service will be a day of great jubilation. They’re Sydney based so we can probably go see them play sometime soon. It’s not a date or anything but I might ‘just happen to find’ a bottle of red in the back of my car on the way home which I’ll swear I didn’t know was there. I’m pretty keen to see their live set- there are whispers that they’re only a two piece.

Olympic Ayres – Daylight

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Olympic Ayres on Facebook
Olympic Ayres on Bandcamp

posted by tommy

A few weeks back we all saw Local Natives play at the Metro Theatre in Sydney. The possibility that one might know of their live show and decide not to attend is pretty absurd. The only acceptable excuse is ignorance and even that’s a stretch given the rolling thundercloud that has been Local Natives’ rise through 2010.

If ever there was an example of a good thing being added to a good thing, it’s this: Local Natives with a string section. A 45 minute session of just that, recorded at KCRW studios, is available for streaming here or in the player below. Frankly I need the culture. I went to Bondi over the weekend to watch Bowlarama (which ruled) but for about 15 minutes I thought I liked Bliss and Eso. It was horrible.

I can’t actually hear the string section in tracks like World News but in others such as Warning Sign and Cubism Dream the strings are everything.

Local Natives previously on Sound Doctrine: April, 2010
Local Natives on Daytrotter
Local Natives on Myspace
Buy this album on iTunes

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