Brightness – Teething

posted by tommy

I learned a lot of things today, the foremost among them being that if your coffee plunger malfunctions then you get a grainy beverage. And that’s no real problem, I’ve leaned heavily towards pixelated foodstuffs over the past few years with couscous a staple of my cupboard stock but here’s the thing. I paid for a top tier plunger and I’ll be damned if I’ll settle for a glass sieve. Secondarily, I learned that Taree is home to this right ol chap named Alex Knight who’s quietly dropped a pretty wonderful guitar record called Teething. Oh and his perform active moniker is Brightness.

The record is top to tail great songs but the front two captivated me the most. ‘Oblivion’ for its clever songwriting and rhyming hook and ‘Surrender’ because it’s damn well gorgeous. Also the backing vocal reminds me of younger, headier times, driving in cars lambasting pedestrians with The Walkmen or Grizzly Bear or My Morning Jacket.
There’s a little Bored Nothing to some of the scuzzy guitar moments on the record but this twee, cute little song ‘Surrender’ is weirdly the one I’ve returned to most.

If you’re reading this Alex, your record broke me, Shoot me an email guy.

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