Archive for 2014
Just when we thought that the Key Sung content cycle must surely have neared completion, we’re hit with a downtempo ‘sad man amateur piano version’ of 2013′s biggest song ‘All I Could Do’. I don’t know too much about Rockstones Sessions is and I’m not likely to investigate because I completed Carmen Sandiego multiple times and I don’t need to prove nothing to nobody but believe me when I say they did a damn good job in getting this version of this song out of this guy. For me it establishes the strength of songwriting in that even in the absence of all production the song still holds up like the truest monolith. Anywho, you know how I feel, this isn’t the first time I’ve expressed it and it certainly won’t be the last. Big fella’s touring now too, if you wanna get up close and personal, playing GoodGod on Thursday 24th April.
Hopefully I don’t seem greedy asking you to dedicate eight of your hard earned minutes to just the one song but this one is a straight down the line necessity for anyone who values their own time and/or Australian music. He’s a Brisbane based sixteen year old who is obviously dedicating less than the appropriate time to his school certificate (I think that’s still a thing) given that he’s writing songs thrice the length of the norm. The highlight for me is that isolated guitar line around 4:40 that makes way for a building synth and some chords that in turn clear the path for that oceanic distortion crunch. Just to make sure that I wasn’t imagining this jam I went out, had lunch, got a hair cut and listened again. Let me say, even with shorter hair it sounds as good or better than it did prior to the cut. Weirdly the haircut didn’t even seem affect the song.
There are two other tracks available on our man’s soundcloud though neither of them as realised as the most recent ‘To Dream’. I’ve opted into ‘Safe For Now’ as my second select if only to avoid a 17 minutes over two tracks situation, this one being a cool two minutes forty with vocals easily absent.
Fact: Danny Harley is a wizard. This not a metaphor. If I had my way he would literally be burnt alive at the stake on the back of a lengthy witchcraft trial. If anyone can provide an alternative explanation for the below track then maybe I’ll be willing to listen but for the moment, the man known as The Kite String Tangle needs to lay low. He’s poured the vocal line (and a few other bits and pieces) from Coldplay’s teaser track ‘Midnight’ all over the slowly building Porter Robinson number ‘Sea of Voices’ and the results are Magic. Clip, trim, give and take a few production points and what you’ve got is a ripper. Imagine for a second though, that 3 months ago someone had played you the below jingle and claimed it was a three way intersection between Coldplay, TKST and Porter Robinson. You’d surely have slapped the Fedora straight off their head. It certainly goes to show that all three are moving forward in their own relatively ways. I was as surprised as you were when I found myself voluntarily relistening to a Porter Robinson track but this is the reality that we now must come to terms with and if that means a rational combination of mashups and ‘burn-the-heretic’ then you can count me in.
Real talk, I have work affiliations with this cat but if you think that taints my opinions then you’d best be on your bike son, ON YOUR BIKE.
The first big moment of this track (lasting about 2 seconds) has changed my whole perspective. I now believe that anything, literally ANYTHING is possible. We need to approach life with hope and always listen to that undying flame within what some philosophers have referred to as ‘the soul’ and some molecular scientists have referred to as ‘where even is the soul?’. Well if it’s soul you’re after, look no further than the incredible vocal stylings of Nai Palm.
Some would know Nai Palm from her work as Hiatus Kaiyote‘s guitarist/lead vocalist, and if you know anything about Hiatus Kaiyote, you will know that a) they are from the future and b) things can get a little abstract at times. So it is a really interesting contrast to hear Nai Palm’s vocals over the earthy grooves of Aussie funk kings The Putbacks.
Art culture has a long history of ‘making the old new again’, and this can take place through either re-interpreting the old (putting a fat beat over it) or re-iterating it (playing it normal) for a new audience (you). The Putbacks haven’t strayed too far sonically from the original 1970′s Aretha Franklin hit, and why fix a Hammond B3 organ shimmer that isn’t broken? But one thing that is instantly recognisable is the heightened saturation of The Putbacks’ recording, the pleasing result of recording straight to 8 track tape. Due to this, the Spanish Harlem has never possessed so much explosive energy. Not that I would know anything about a) Being Spanish or b) Harlem. But then again neither do you, so this song is all we’ve got to go on. You can buy the 7″ vinyl or get your download on here.
In the interest of becoming the next Hilly Dilly or Indieshuffle I will be henceforth attempting to post and write about a minimum of 12-20 songs per day. Step two in my monetization process will be a word-of-mouth strategy where I don a UNICEF shirt and harass people during my forty five minute lunch break in Crows Nest asking for donations for (and I forgot to mention this next name part earlier) ‘JnrIndieShuffle’. These donations will be backchanneled through major labels who will supply me with exclusive streams on album pre-releases. By posting an entire record one song at a time I’ll be able to knock off 10-12 songs a day in one swift movement. Next week I’ll be starting a Pozible campaign to raise money to have my faux UNICEF uniform printed at an ethically viable sew-house in Petersham so please keep your eyes peeled for that and RT when possible.
First cab off the ranks is this song from KOWL who is an artist that I have completely no prior knowledge of. What I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt is that I definitely heard this song on Me And All My Friends the other day so at the very least we know he/they’re Australia. Goodnight.