Heir Fuller

posted by tommy

Hopefully I don’t seem greedy asking you to dedicate eight of your hard earned minutes to just the one song but this one is a straight down the line necessity for anyone who values their own time and/or Australian music. He’s a Brisbane based sixteen year old who is obviously dedicating less than the appropriate time to his school certificate (I think that’s still a thing) given that he’s writing songs thrice the length of the norm. The highlight for me is that isolated guitar line around 4:40 that makes way for a building synth and some chords that in turn clear the path for that oceanic distortion crunch. Just to make sure that I wasn’t imagining this jam I went out, had lunch, got a hair cut and listened again. Let me say, even with shorter hair it sounds as good or better than it did prior to the cut. Weirdly the haircut didn’t even seem affect the song.

There are two other tracks available on our man’s soundcloud though neither of them as realised as the most recent ‘To Dream’. I’ve opted into ‘Safe For Now’ as my second select if only to avoid a 17 minutes over two tracks situation, this one being a cool two minutes forty with vocals easily absent.

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