UV boi فوق بنفسجي & Blair de Milo – NorthFace

posted by tommy

There’s been some heady praise for UV Boi the past 6 moths or so and in my opinion its been unwarranted. To lay the facts bare, I have never seen UV Boi perform live. I haven’t followed the story too closely, all I’ve really done is hit play on a few soundcloud streams and shrug a bit, wondering what was going on. This song is UV Boi realizing the hype, earning the praise that’s dogged him for months. Synths that sound like panflutes, generated strings and big big big vocals from Blair De Milo (a first for UV?) that sound straight from the mouth of the great Lord Craig David himself, this is a tour de feelings. Namechecking himself on every track isn’t a bad move either. He truly is the Jason Derulo of the beats scene. Upward, onward.

Hosted on Blair De Milo’s soundcloud so I don’t know if that makes this a Blair track or a UV track (or both) but it’s 2014 so those questions are less relevant than they used to be.

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