Archive for June, 2012

posted by tommy

The nature of musicianship appears to have changed over the past however many years in as much as it’s not longer sufficient to be a member of just the one band. I’ve seen dudes find success in the side projects of side projects and still move into new material under a new name. That last sentence is an untruth but it serves the purpose of the point I’m trying to make; bands bloom into bands bloom into bands. It’s the nature of unsigned man.

The fertility of a band such as Parades then should come as no surprise to anyone remotely involved with their music. Parades are rich, experimental and technically exceptional. From it’s potent loins have already come the king of feature records, Jonathan Boulet, and let’s not forget what the kids have dubbed ‘the great rural ballcrusher’, ‘the big man’s dirty hands’, ‘the valley of angry smirks’, or more simply Snakeface. The band’s individual nodes were inevitably going to pursue their own creative exploits and so, we have Light Giant.

Light Giant – Waste of Wine [FREE DOWNLOAD]

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It brings me great pleasure to share strong Australian music, more so still when it’s Sydney based and thus this three piece have been a hearty treat during this weather-wrecked weekend. There are multiple layers of distortion and falsetto, the two criscrossing as the song builds and builds. This isn’t the tried and tested indie-folk crescendo we’ve heard too many times now (enough with the xylophone) but it’s actually the result of a smarter mix, not just the constant addition of instruments. If you’ve listened to it once, hit play again, you’ll further appreciate it with subsequent listens.

Light Giant – FacebookBandcampUnearthed

posted by tommy

Second single from Bearhug’s Bill, Dance, Shiner brings DIY lols by virtue of Gary’s Express Video Studio and an emotional performance. If you haven’t already bought the record, do it, or at the very least drag-and-drop it into a Spotify playlist (RELEVANT!)

posted by tommy

Here’s another Swede for you to try on for size, and that sounded way creepier than I would have liked it to. This time it’s a gentleman named Dante whose production is out of sight. His beats are perfectly weighted and his vocals are all-up-innit and it’s like pow wow, shlippy wham bam you know what I mean? Of course you don’t. That was absolute jibberish. All I’m saying is that you’ll take the time to listen to the below if you know what’s good for you. I didn’t realise it when I started writing this but apparently there’s some sort of connection with Adele so that’s it then, get out your cheque books. Here’s Dante. EDIT: THIS JUST IN, THERE IS NO ADELE CONNECTION, IT’S JUST A SAMPLE. Back to work everyone.

Also, while we’re here, what’s the deal with Swedes!? Along with maintaining a fantastic degree of diplomatic neutrality (I’m probably confusing them with the Swiss) their second skill set lies in talent development. Jens Lekman, Lykke Li, The Tallest Man On Earth, The Knife, Miike Snow, The Radio Dept., The Hives, Peter Bjorn and John. The nordic folk have it going on, and that’s before we delve into their effective monopoly on all “true metal” since 1990. There must be something in water.

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