Seabear & Sin Fang

posted by tommy

While their band name has dated worse than a Von Dutch trucker cap/hooded t-shirt combination, I argue that their 2007 record The Ghost That Carried Us Away is still relevant even in this indie-folk saturated market. Released through Morr Music (known for Radical Face, The American Analogue Set and Electric President) it was vessel to a track called ‘I Sing I Swim’ which immediately won me over. Lead singer Sindri Már Sigfússon also works under the moniker Sin Fang, and when he does, my oh my, good sounds abound. He’s that guy who comes to the party with two bottles of wine when you only asked him to bring one bottle of wine. In this analogy each bottle of wine represents a different musical project, though it’s important to recognise that both wines (musical projects) are of fine vintage (songful quality) and do not lead to extended drunkenness (unenjoyment) and possible termination of employment due to indecent exposure (possible termination of employment due to indecent exposure). Again though, I reiterate that there are two good things where you only expected one good thing, which exceeds all expectations by 100%, maybe more if you have low opinions of this blog.

Streaming below are two songs from Seabear’s The Ghost That Carried Us Away and one from each of Sin Fang’s two records.

Seabear – I Sing, I Swim [DOWNLOAD]

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Seabear – Libraries

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Sin Fang – Clangour and Flutes

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Sin Fang – Always Everything [DOWNLOAD]

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Yeo » »
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1 Comment
  1. Joe

    yay! pretty folk music!