
I hadn’t heard of Apparat before he released his most recent album The Devil’s Walk about a month ago. He’s a German with a penchant for focusing on the minute sounds that make up the rich knitwork of the bigger audio and the attention to detail yields heavy dividends on the newest record (and maybe on the earlier records, I haven’t heard them, get off my back about it).
Apparat is a structural disciple of the slowbuild, layering vocal atop choral atop orchestral atop instrumental atop ambient noise, finally underpinned by underplayed beats. It won’t give you that immediate nothing to everything moment that dubstep is famous for [over]providing but it’ll give you a more gratifying experience of listening to an artist that is rewarding for more than the very short term.
The album is across-the-board solid but here are two highlights from The Devil’s Walk.
Apparat – ‘Ash/Black Veil’
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Apparat – ‘Escape’
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WOW! This is the most enchanting stuff I’ve heard in a long time! Love this!!!!! Thanks LOADS for the share!
No worries guy