Welcome Wagon – Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing

posted by tommy

When the Welcome Wagon released Welcome to the Welcome Wagon they received critical welcome. Pastor Thomas Vito Aiuto and his wife Monique make very accessible, particularly religious Sufjanesque folk music. Sufjan himself produced, arranged and performed on the record so it should be no suprise that it sounds as it sounds. Here’s my favourite track from the record

The Welcome Wagon – But For You Who Fear My Name

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This week the pair released four (semi) new songs for download over itunes with the proceeds going to Freeset, a fair-trade business in India that helps women escape the sex trade in Kolkata so that’s two reasons you should download these tracks.

The Welcome Wagon – I Am Not Skilled To Understand

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Have your say:

  1. 09/01/2011

    This week? I got this EP ages ago. I guess they only just released it in the Australian iTunes store. For what it's worth, Welcome to the Welcome Wagon is fantastic but the EP doesn't offer a lot in addition.

  2. [...] and wife. Look at me getting all soppy over this. Shucks. Listen to this, then apply your ears to But For You Who Fear My Name, still my favourite of their songs in anticipation of the next [...]