Sleepyhands – Noel

posted by tommy

Remember Sleepyhands? Yeah you do! They’re a fan favourite here at Sound Doc and they’re back with a free Christmas tune for you to download for free without paying because it’s Christmas and because you’ve earned it for passing three out of your four subjects at uni this semester. Don’t get too excited though, you’re going to have to retake Geopolitics next year. Serves you right for spending 13 weeks of lectures drawing geometric shapes on your lined pad. Also, why did you bring just a pencil to the exam? It’s not multiple choice, idiot. Next time we’ll know better, won’t we. Listen and be merry.

Sleepyhands – Noel

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There’s exciting rumblings going on beneath the surface for Sleepyhands at the moment so keep your ear to the ground over the next few months. What I can say for sure though, is that they should be appreciated live. You can mark these dates into your moleskines: December 17 at the Spectrum and January 15 at Oxford Art.

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