Posts Tagged ‘Folk’

posted by tommy

Have your mind, eyes, ears and feelings gently assaulted by the dulcet tones of the Wilderness of Manitoba. Preload this on a large monitor and some quality speakers before full screening it and hitting play. It’s pretty compelling. There’s something unrepentantly 80s about shooting with a faded out black backdrop but it’s refreshing in a time when “on the go” and “take away” sessions are all the rage. I don’t need to see a band performing their songs acoustically in a Nepalese cave, I just want to hear music that speaks for itself. It’s just one track from their Hear Ya session so if you’d like to download audio of the entire session then you can do so by right clicking here. Alternatively you can download just this track below.

The Wilderness of Manitoba – Hermit (Hear Ya Session)


posted by tommy

Here’s to good times and fiddles in old time folk. The two are synonymous by my way of thinking so it’s with a great degree of cordiality that I share with you the Deadly Gentlemen. We all know it’s not 1921 so there’s no need to be the dude who keeps breaking the illusion. Just run with it and make like we’re straight bootlegging some bathtub liquor.

The Deadly Gentlemen – ‘Moonshiner’

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The Deadly Gentlemen – ‘Bullet in my Shoulder’

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You can go to the effort of download every individual song for free if you’re a penny pinching cat like I am or you can be a good guy and spend ten dollars on the full record and download it all at once. I’ll get them some coin later on. For now they can make do with yours. Truly, it’s a cracking record and you can get it over here.

posted by tommy

Jeremy Quentin aka Small Houses is all up on my radar like a thing that doesn’t utilise stealth technology. I downloaded ‘North’ from his bandcamp last month and it immediately found it’s way into a playlist titled ‘Song that sound like The Tallest Man on Earth’, previously populated only by Bob Dylan’s back catalogue (dude needs stop cutting TTMOE’s style).

Absent however is the lyrical ingenuity of TTMOE but that’s something that comes with time, I guess. It’s not like the lyrics are vapid rubbish but they don’t make your ears prick up like those of Kristian Matsson. It’s the combination of a smouldering voice and some cracking fingerpicking that drew me in.

Small Houses – ‘North’

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I’m keen to hear what else the Michigan native has in store. His first full length North is currently in the works but for the moment you can pick up the appropriately named Just Before The North EP for a few dollars over here.

posted by tommy

“Evening Chorus are a four-piece Cardiff-based folk band. With a sound based around four-part vocal harmonies and dramatic sing-along choruses.” Yawn. I can forgive them their uninspiring description however, as their music is far better written than their bio. It’s gentle, lilting folk that really benefits from the rounded sound of the double bass. 2011 could even be the year of the double bass. James Blake utilises it better than anyone (see Measurements) and I’m pretty sure The Living End are going to make a massive comeback this year so the evidence is pretty compelling.

Evening Chorus – ‘Decisions’

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Evening Chorus have been around since ’09 and have a full length coming out later in the year. Their single ‘No Wreath, No Crown’ is a free download on their bandcamp and decisions is a mere dollar or so. Get on it.

posted by tommy

Hey everyone, just checking in to make sure you’re having a good day. Hopefully this helps; It’s a free download of Ivan & Alyosha’s (remember this?) EP, available for a week. I haven’t listened to it yet so I can’t attest to it’s quality but I really enjoyed Glorify. If it turns out to be rubbish and you hate it then I’m really sorry. I’m just trying to help. If it also turns out that I’ve misused the semi-colon a few sentences back then I’m equally sorry.

