Posts Tagged ‘Folk’

posted by tommy

While we’re thinking Manchester family, here’s a track I heard in that household today. Members of Mumford and Sons, Keane and a few strays have united to produce a wedding themed EP. Here:

The Wedding Band – Thumper

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It’s only available as a tour EP at this point but I’m sure they’ll release it onto iTunes eventually. They always do.

posted by tommy

I go away for only 6 days and already you’re getting demanding. “Why hasn’t Tommy written anything today?” “When will he reply to my email?” “Is he ever going to return the fifty I lent him at Engage this year?”. If I’d known you were going to get so clingy I would never have started this thing.

I’ve spent this past week teaching under priviledged kids from Roseville, Killara and Wahroonga how to read and write in time from their HSC. By way of apology for my extended absence here are two tracks from the Sound Doctrine Vault from The Bon Ivers. Both tracks were taken live so you’ll have to learn to live with the low quality recordings.

Bon Iver – For Emma (Acapella)

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Bon Iver (Feat. Bowerbirds) – Lovin’s for Fools

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posted by tommy

Longtime Sound Doctrine favourite Luke Webb has packed his bags and set proverbial sail for the Americas. He’s going to be recording a few tracks and playing a few shows as a prize for taking out the Telstra Songwriters Award earlier this year. Before leaving though, he gave us a farewell gift in the form of Blue Umbrella, a pretty track that’s available for [free] download on his website. I guess you could say I’m regifting it. Like the time Marcus Lockard tried to regift me an ps3 game I gave him for his birthday. I don’t even have a ps3. Massive bellend.

Luke Webb – Blue Umbrella

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posted by tommy

A new Tallest Man on Earth EP!? That came out of nowhere. I’ll say this though, there’s potentially no other artist I’d be more excited to hear this of. I’ve never seen or heard material from Kristian Matsson that didn’t rule all over the place (while tenderly tugging the heartstrings). Click here to read about the last TMOE release. The EP entitled Sometimes the blues is Just a Passing Bird is for sale exclusively on iTunes before it’s release date on November 9th.

The Tallest Man on Earth – Like The Wheel

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posted by tommy

Be the envy of all your friends with Lord Huron’s three song single! They’ll be like “listen to this track from Fleet Foxes! It’s called Ragged Wood!” and you’ll be all “Not even! I used to love Fleet Foxes but now they’re so passé. Lord Huron are the new Fleet Foxes”. You’ll be wrong because they’re not really the new Fleet Foxes but they do sound a little similar so I can see what you were talking about but to be quite frank you’ve got a bad attitude. Stop being so elitist. Here’s the track that you’re soon to love:

Lord Huron – The Problem With Your Daughter

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I know, it rules. And yes, you’re welcome. It’s the perfect soundtrack for the urban lumberjack. If you want to purchase their three tracks then head over to their bandcamp. Three dollars total. Alternatively, if you’re a cheapskate you can just download Into The Sun for free.
