Posts Tagged ‘Britain’

posted by tommy

In March 2011 Noah & the Whale will release their third full length record. The first, a masterpiece. The second? Quality, but they’d exchanged the upbeat folksy flavour of their debut album for something dark and melancholy. While I’m as prone to fits of pessimism as the next man, The Last Days of Spring was too much for me. It was like a funeral dirge. So that you can understand the levels of depressing we’re discussing here, have a quick look at the video to ‘Our Window’ from The Last Days of Spring

Having heard the second single ‘L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N’ from their upcoming album Last Night On Earth I thought perhaps they were heading back to the, as Chloe Bickersteth would say, “Ding-Ding-Ding-Ding-Ding Happy Music” that blew me away on their debut.

So, knowing more than you needed to about Noah & the Whale’s back catalogue, you can now listen to ‘L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N’. SUPER BONUS! I’m also going to stream Jocasta from their first album Peaceful The World Lays Me Down. You don’t have to thank me, just sign the petition to stop the government shutting my blog down before I’m accused of a blown up rape charge and extradited to Sweden. I’m surely next.

Noah and the Whale – Jocasta

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