Posts Tagged ‘Brisbane’

posted by tommy

A few weeks back, Channel V sent me to BIGSOUND to write about my emotions. We saw Gung Ho play at Black Bear Lodge on the Tuesday night before the official BIGSOUND had actually commenced and while I don’t want to go too deep into this I think they were the victim of bad mix and a surly crowd. There was a sizeable gap between performer and patron and the three piece looked small and alone in what wasn’t even a large venue to start with. The set sounded more like a sloppy I Heart Hiroshima where I expected to hear the crafty vocal melds that are present on their recordings. As I said, it might have just been a dud night for them.

Gung Ho – ‘Twin Rays’

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The two most recent singles the Brisbane three piece have made available are far less tense than their live set was and the perfect cure for a case of the Mondays. I don’t know if there’s an EP/record on the way but the group would be remiss not to take advantage of the musical vulnerability created by raised temperatures and lowered windows, the appropriate physical setting to their slacker/surf rock.

Gung Ho – ‘Side By Side’

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I usually try to steer clear of the overblogged Triple J favourites but a tune’s a tune, you know? So on that note, here is a bonus track from Jesse Davidson of Adelaide, Unearthed High finalist and future Matt Corby.

Jesse Davidson – ‘Flaws’

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posted by tommy

Jeremy Neale’s ‘Darlin’ is going to be big. He’s cut his teeth in Velociraptor and come to the obvious conclusion that the next career step from a moderately successful garage-rock outfit is a doo-wop throwback project. Neale’s crooning vocals are smoother than the output of a broken softserve machine and that sax- THAT SAX. It squeals and screeches antagonising, yet never compromising the melody. Given the current situation of the Australian music market one might wonder if there’s any further room for tunes this historically derivative but I say ‘yay’. There certainly is. The strength of that melody serves as guarantor against any other criticism that might be levelled at the track but there’s also unmistakeable technical ability. I think the single has been about for just a few days but word is travelling, chins are wagging. Also included for your listening pleasure is his first single ‘Winter Was The Time’. Download both tracks courtesy of Triple J Unearthed.

posted by tommy

I hope everybody had a great Halloween. I know I sure did. I had a particularly scary evening spent out west. Something that’s neither Western nor scary however, are the melodious songs of Inland Sea, a band from the fiery Northern realm (I’ve been reading fantasy novels lately) of Queensland. Don’t even act like you didn’t love every bit of that segway. One moment we’re talking about Halloween then- What!? Did we just change topic!? I know. I know.

Anyway, Queensland, harmonies, violins, you’ll love it. They cite Arcade Fire as an influence, probably because they both have way too many band members to fit comfortably on a stage. A ten piece! Imagine dragging that around the country. I ‘spose the upside is that they can arrange some glorious five part harmonies. I guarantee- I GUARANTEE you’ll be hearing a lot more about the Inland Sea in months to come.

Here’s one of three tracks that they’ve made available for free download.

Inland Sea – No Time

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A copy of their EP will set you back $8.45 on itunes.
