Zebra Zap

posted by tommy

This one comes striaght from the mouth of Mister Triple J Unearthed himself and it’s a woozy synthy wench with a heart of gold brah. It reminds me of that time I heard a really killer synth heavy track with a overtly funk-fueled groove. Oh wait, my bad, that’s this time! Ha! Boy is my face red. I must really be going wrong over here. I really like saying this guy’s name too. Zebra Zap. Say it. Zebra Zap. Zebra Zap. Ha! More goodtimes. Anywho, I’m really, really into it. Subsequent listens have yielded different fruits, be it a further appreciation for that piano line or just noticing the sonic space between beat and vocal. It’s not often you hear an artist use silence / noiselessness with clear intent and an superb outcome. I couldn’t tell you much about who he is or we he (they?) came from but I don’t need to. Let the music speak for itself. A free download over at Triple J Unearthed

Have your say:

  1. Nicky B

    alllllldaaaayyy eeeerrrrrday

  2. 05/02/2013

    this tune is so right in so many ways.