Archive for November, 2023
I put this one at the top of my Essential Australian playlist this week because this isn’t the kind of record you put in second position, it’s a In some small way, I went full Zane Lowe and made this my number one record
in the world in my Spotify playlist, and likely the impact will make Zane’s look rather small by comparison. I should probably acknowledge that I’ve invested too much of my curatorial energies into the Spotify playlist instead of the ol bloggo but is anyone really reading music editorial anymore? Drop me a line if you’re still out there, you’re a phantom to me at this point.
Anywho, this one bangs and I’m just so pleased about it because my first exposure to Devaura came via Yawdoesitall’s DOOFENSHMIRTZ where I asked ‘will her own record bang? Will it?’
Yes. It will. It has. It does. Allow it to do so for you too.
There’s a nice pay it forward style situation occurring too you see, with yaw putting me onto Devaura and now Devaura putting me onto these two features – Ash Swaze and Chandler Jewels. In fairness I was already pretty au fait with Chandler Jewels through his production work but Ash is a revelation and seems to have a pretty limited catalogue of his own so far. Who will he put me onto with HIS next release? Let the chain never end, and so on.
It’s racy, produced up real modern, replete with a range of flows in and out of different pockets and aromatic vocal affectations that lend this so much dynamism. Drink it.