Slum Sociable – Anyway

posted by tommy

Look. There are two truths at play here. There’s the Truth, that this is the first song from Slum Sociable’s second EP. Their first was really good and I wrote about it with fairly abstract allusions and it was one of my favourite Australia releases from 2013. That’s the first Truth. The second truth however, is that this is the debut single from Slum Sociable, which is the truth inasmuch as it’s the debut single through Liberation and having since cleansed that lovely back catalogue from the internet, I guess for all intents and purposes, this is the Truth. The game must be played and its not the fault of artist or label, its more our own fault for demanding that everything be sparkling brand new and placing discovery at the forefront of the process rather than simply the music. That preamble now said, the music is strong in this one. The act is a two piece and between the two of them they’ve constructed something with synthetic harp sounds, heavily reverbed vocals and a whole bunch of harmonised vocal padding. The feel of the track is overall fairly washed out with reverb and backing vocal but it still feels quite sharp because of that vocal sitting higher in the mix and a drum track that feels far less filtered then the rest of the song. The sound is good, the game for hereafter for the Slumdogs is going to be the crafting of those melodies. Gonna be a good one to watch!

Have your say:

  1. Heath

    Nice act! a lot of production going on..

  2. tommy

    I like your taste, mystery Heath

  3. 25/03/2015

    You’re right, the bass/drums/claps keep this one fresh.