I’lls – Plans Only Drawn

posted by tommy

I thought we had something special but two sniffs from boss man Alessio and we’ve got ourselves a Home & Hosed exclusive. Well band, I call betrayal. I call corruption and I call shame. Shame upon the band and shame upon the very land itself, ABC. The code of conduct gets filtered through the industrial shredder when an indie-rock exclusive comes around. What happened to us I’lls… We had something real. I wrote about you and you said you liked me for who I was. I looked through your photos and, a wistful sigh upon the wind, I whispered “now there’s a band… there’s a band.” I even showed my folks a photo of ‘my musician friends’ and they said I was making great progress. Somehow here we are though, shunned and distant, emotions strewn everywhere and feelings leaking from the worst places to leak feelings from.

The saddest part about this whole affair is that the band are, as they say, bananas and this track is also, as they say, bananas. That was to be expected though, I suppose. When you send Simon Lam and co into the studio you know full well what the returning swaddling clothes will contain. Cloudy vocals that sit veeeeeeery deep in the mix and a whole lot of clever drum track. Granted I’ve just pointed at a Matisse yelling ‘look at the pretty colours!’ but the colours ARE pretty even if I’m ignoring all other technical attributes in the assertion. I previously wondered what might be if Simon were to let his vocals come forward just a touch more as he did on that Naysayer & Gilsun banger from back when and it looks like we’ll see that puzzled out on the forthcoming EP. That’s right sirs, there’ll be a new one come May, out through your good pals at Yes Please which seems like a good home for I’lls’.

As is, this is precisely the sort of thing I was hoping I’lls would produce in the wake of their innovative self-titled debut. A real attention to detail that’s usually lost in a track so sonically thick. More impressive is that even so replete with padding, the track never lends itself to excess.

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  1. [...] that. It makes excellent sense then that these gents went on to ask Simon Lam (involved in this, this this and this) to produce [...]