
posted by tommy

A big day in as much as this is the first Maltese artist that I’ve ever shared with you. If you’ve ever listened to Youth Lagoon and thought “I want to hear something similar to this but with more acoustic loop” then remain seated, you’re in the right place/reading the right post. As rare as our Maltese situations are my posts about artists from my inbox. This is the beacon of hope that says ‘send on, bands, send on’.

Drowning In A Dream is the appropriately titled EP from Tollens, appropriate because the sense of going under is palpable in most of these tracks. The water’s surface is lined with the furry fuzz of distortion and off key bends and quavers making it hard to punch through to the clean air your lungs are begging for. Eventually though, you just let yourself sink downwards and start breathing in the fluid and before you know it the immersion has left you more buzzed than the gas you wanted to drag through your pipes. As already mentioned, there’s some pretty massive nods to Youth Lagoon here, be they beat or vocal.

If this dude hasn’t listened to Trevor Powers before then I’ll eat my recently polished loafers.

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