The Tallest Man On Earth – Bright Lanterns

posted by tommy

Glory me, it’s a new song from The Tallest Man on Earth. Nope, not a song from the Once A Year soundtrack (which is infuriating – it’s been out for months now, where are those songs? I can’t even get a hold of the movie to hear them in scene) it’s the first single from the new record titled There’s No Leaving Now (Out June 11). My gut feeling is that I don’t think it’s going to be a favourite of mine. I’m hoping that it’s only in this one song that Mattson’s glorious fingerpicking is absent, replaced by a slide guitar that goes a ways to remove the slash from country/folk. I’m sure it’ll grow on me as all Tallest Man has.

[EDIT: REMOVED BY LABEL REQUEST - Apparently this was leaked rather than released - Also, perhaps it's not going to be a lead single. Likely we'll find out soon.]

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  1. [...] Tallest Man On Earth – 1904 May 16 posted by tommy After last month’s false start we’re now officially underway with the Tallest Man’s third full-length There’s No [...]