Painted Palms

posted by tommy

If I’d've known about this band a few months ago then I might have been able to download this EP for free but alas, it wasn’t to be. Instead I’ll have to wait for it to be [re]released on the 21st of June. I’d jam this thing at a party without a second thought. Again, we’re seeing the aftermath of Animal Collective’s Merriweather Post Pavilion still lingering on but on top of that I can hear, dare I say it, similarities to Jinja Safari. I guess if someone asked me to identify the main difference between Painted Palms and Jinja Safari (which they haven’t, but I’ll answer anyway) I’d say that Painted Palms weren’t talentless hacks. On top of that, Painted Palms consider minor things such as structure and layering in their songwriting instead of just vomiting out track after repetitive track. In conclusion, Jinja Safari are the worst band in Australia.

Have your say:

  1. 10/05/2011

    Admit it, Jinja are fun.

  2. tommy

    Hey man,

    I wish I could agree. That whole “inner child” thing is played out. I’ve never seen a band less interested in music. Their self-assigned genre of forest rock makes me more than proud to have a lumberjack as my logo.

  3. 10/05/2011

    I can see why you think that. It’s not the deepest thing you’ll ever listen to, but I do enjoy cranking some ugly dancing as Jinja support whichever band I’m seeing. I dig Canopy though; great find!