I Am Oak

The first thought I had when I saw the name of this artist was of course, “you are not”. Then I reconsidered. “Perhaps he is oak”, I thought. There came to me the flittering thought that I may have been about to listen to the music of a treant. Then, an even more exciting prospect came to mind. What if – and this was a pretty special ‘what if’ – an enchanted oak was felled in the forest of Kaz’nekrem on the eve of a lunar eclipse and the stars aligned as a master-craftsmen, on his death bed, created one last piece of carpentry: A magical xylophone that played itself. Yeah, I know. Awesome.
I Am Oak – ‘On Trees And Birds And Fire’
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Suffice to say you’re probably ashamed of yourself, having initially written this band off for what you thought was a silly name. Don’t worry, I’m also a little embarrassed, but now we know better. In the unlikely outcome that this artist is neither treant nor xylophone then he’s probably the Dutch singer-songwriter Thijs Kuijken. In 2008 Kuijken self released his Sou Ka EP and the full length Ols Songd. Last year he dropped On Claws which featured the above streamed track ‘On Trees and Birds and Fire’. On the 13th of May, 2011 he’ll be releasing his next record titled Oasem.
To purchase Souk Ka head here, to purchase On Claws get on this.
Most of the music you promote is pretty rubbish but this is actually pretty alright.
Lachos, you’ve got a strong backhand