
posted by tommy

Can’t make Too bold a statement about an at with only one song to their name but this feels like a band who have chosen their cognomen wisely. Whether it’s the optimistic warmth of a love interest or the overwhelming press of bodies in a crowd, im hearing all sorts of titular Ultracrush sounds whenever I hit go on this track of theirs ‘Swimming’. It is yes, the first track they’ve ever released. They’re a Sydney five piece out of Camperdown only one song in and I’m wholly in their corner. The song itself signposts some Newcastle lineage and reportedly they’re from Lake Mac and Central Coast, but that’s all besides the point. Hit play here and then Let’s Talk.

As someone with a pair of kids who just holidayed outside daylights savings time, I’ll tell you here and now, I’m no fan of a time change. Getting up pre-dawn each day? That blows and I recommend it to no one. The multiple time changes in this song though, well they’re just fine by me. This is a band who channel the heady nostalgia of Bored Nothing, the airy whimsy of Beach House, the groove of Radio Dept and fill them with small town specifics to make something genuinely moving. I even found myself looking up the Council Street fig trees because the lyrical energy drew me in real close and I couldn’t not know after that.

Bonus: here’s the vaporwave remix of the track you neither knew you needed nor had.

They’ve got an EP on the way but given I can’t find a date for it I reckon we’re looking at 2019. Well here’s this- Ultracrush are my favourite new Sydney band.

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