Ethan French – i don’t mind

posted by tommy

I’ve been trying to evangelize bystanders and family alike, non-consensually baptizing them into the French dogma that ive proudly adopted since this record dropped a fortnight ago. A voice like butter is just the salt and the bread, the true meat comes in the instrumentation on a track that has grooves on grooves, lightly built on baselines and florid piano moments. It’s far cleaner than the usual sound doctrine fare but who says I can’t shine up nice when I want to? Ethan French might have that immaculate gloss but it’s a self perfect brew, a home recipe that doesn’t quite scent the same as the store bought varnish. It’s giving a little DOMi & JD BECK and I’m told there’s some Jacob Collier to it though I can’t speak to that as someone who has never actively consume a Jacob Collier song (non-derogatory). I did look directly at the JC Instagram and I didn’t have a great time doing so. Make of that what you will. Anyway back to Ethan, he’s doing some hard numbers on “”DSPs”” so evidently there’s an audience who clocked Ethan well before yours truly. Perhaps on one of the two entire mixtapes he’s already release, idk. I’ve got the blog tho, so the true power is mine. The song is yours, this new single from a smart Perth boy called Ethan.

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  1. Via [ Rob in son buc ler ]‘ ‘g ma i l...c 0 m..

    Make your ex partner love you again passionately,……………..