L0NE – Tell Mi

posted by tommy

One of my favourite phenomenons over the the last decade, often within hip-hop, has been artists tearing asunder the expectations of how a vocal should sound. Sure, your 33 year old cousin Allan is still going on about how mumble rap isn’t real rap but Allan’s a deadbeat who wears his wallet connected to his belt by a carabiner. I don’t care how many wall’s he’s been climbing, that shit’s not on. And before you get all up around me, yes, textured vocals aren’t a brand new thing, Bob Dylan was singing like a he’d swallowed a possum in 1902 so stay in your lane, I don’t want to hear it. Some of my recent faves have been singing and messing with their vocals in all sortsa wonderful ways, like Meat Computer with his breathy exhalations or 645AR who many wrote off as a joke before they realized he was just way ahead of the pack.

L0NE has some of what you’ll hear in the above but also a lil microdose of Travis Scott too, just for that cushion comfort to ease you in. I’d love to hear the production go just a little bit more effed up, but it’s still gravy cos those 808s hit right, the chords are warm and the vocals are just chef’s kiss. He’s part of a click down in Melbourne that seemingly includes another futurist hyper-pop slash rap synthersizer called Webby whom I tend to get around. Can’t get many words about him from the internet so far but let these visuals tell you what you need to know.

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