
posted by tommy

At first I thought Jayvin’s name was actually Jayvid and it’s like… come on bro, just say David. But someone recently told me that Jayvin is a more common name than I’d realized so sure, there’s egg on my face now. This highschooler is evidently inspired, first and foremost by hip-hop but to look at it singularly through that lens is reductive. The span of production sounds and stylistic choices on display from vocal through to the beat are wonderfully mixed and what’s more, they change at various points through the song so that the final record is ultimately nothing like the opening bars. It’s no stretch to say that hip-hop is transcending it’s landscapes and, I believe, is the spot to look if you want to hear adventure and innovation. This kid’s take is only a thin slither of hip-hop, but I truly can’t find anywhere else to hang my hat if not on that exploratory label, so there it swings. Reportedly he’s been producing music in his home state of WA since he was 10 years old. Now he’s on his way out of high school and alongside his ATAR he brings a manila wallet full of deluxe mp3s like the one below. Stream it, it’s quite something.

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