Shūnya – W e a r e a l l b e a u t i f u l (feat. Constace Sorrow)

posted by tommy

Friends, there are dark moments when I wonder if Sound Doctrine is dead. Has it long since reached its apex? Are we at the far side of a bell curve, graphically demonstrating the rise and fall of Australia’s most virile digital metalyricist? It gets to feel that way sometimes, and truly I wouldn’t blame you if you felt the same, but I’ll stop you there. Moments like these, like this one now, remind me why SD can never die. I’ve got a little something from Melbourne based Indian classical/electronic musician Shūnya, whose tracks were addressed by the great guest selecta Reggie Maurice two years past. This new one he’s composed is one of a series he’s released (simply onto soundcloud) in the last few months that dispenses with some the heavier beats that have featured on his past tracks and opts for breathier soundscapes, tracks that ebb and flow around peppered instruments. All manner of sounds gently bubble to the surface, slowly but seemingly without direction, rising through the simmering waters of the track.

Give me more Shūnya in the dark governmentless times, give me more Shūnya in this deep, cold Melbourne Winter. I’m all for more artists whose output feels this organic and natural, not just in its sonic qualities but also in its manner of delivery. Shūnya isn’t a project for the fame-frenzied, it’s just a collection of sounds that make sense to the artist in a given moment. Thankfully they’re making a lot of sense to me and mine too.

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