
posted by tommy

I was sure I’d written about Piecey when Women Are Beautiful was released but after a surface level google it seems like I never did. He’s a Sydney producer who signed a blood pact with Stoney Roads Records so as that he’s going to release a bunch of records with them in the next little while. Women Are Beautiful was the first thing that came from their arcane agreement and though it might have brought me 90% of the way towards a sounddoc post, it’s this new remix of La Mar that’s thrust me over the precipice. La Mar are similarly from Sydney and have released some recent singles through Stoney Roads Records theyselves but this new remix is a high point for all involved. The bassline coupled with those metallic, industrial synth tones makes for a song that is constantly threatening to attack but never so basic as to devolve into the ominous drop. It stays clever, it stays careful and it keeps you attentive for it’s near seven minutes.

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