White Gums
This three tracker from White Gums is a delicate way to wrap up your Wednesday afternoon. It’s a combination of submariner’s signals and slowly building percussive elements but the breaks hit firm enough so that you’re pulled out of your reverie and disallowed a full submersion in those loops. He’s a Newcastle native and this is seemingly his first release so you know I’ve done really well to unearth this for you. One thing I can guarantee you, this definitely didn’t come from my bud Lachie and even if it did I absolutely wouldn’t give him any credit for passing it on, not a damn ounce. The production craftsmaship is very high while the composition is constantly changing and on top of that I discovered all this myself without Lachie’s help so it’s definitely an artist to watch. You can add to his 59 facebook followers if you want to be a goodguy about it, which is surprisingly few followers given that Lachie did not share these songs with me and I found it all on my own.