Vacant Field

posted by tommy

I heard an mp3 sometime yesterday that I felt was a pretty good mp3 indeed and so I thought it might make perfect content for my Australian mp3 blog Sound Doctrine. I forgot to mention that the mp3 I heard was an Australian mp3. All the data enclosed in that mp3 was generated right here by local programming and domestic musical equipment so you can bet that you’re helping our economy just by listening to it and sharing it with your friends. It’s not my usual ‘too-soft-to-be-a-banger-too-beat-heavy-to-relax-too’ fare but some good ol’ mellow guitar music circa Seattle 2003. This outfit is called Vacant Field and they’re Sydneysiders so that’s a rare win for the region. There’s obviously some degree of affectation in the vocal qualities but we’re living in a post-DMA’s society so there’s at least 8 days of history we’d need to unwrite for this to be a serious issue. Onward and upward Vacant Field.

Side note, is this exactly what Violent Soho would sound like if they downed a few Valium? I say yay.

KOWL » »
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1 Comment
  1. 15/03/2014

    Yeah cool, love the drum sound. The whole thing is pretty tasteful. Thanks for the heads-up Tommy. Also Violent Soho comparison = Valid.