
posted by tommy

I don’t flick the switch too frequently when it comes to bouncy producer world because semi-decent ‘blipboys’ are a dime a dozen (and there’re plenty of other internet types ready to show love) but I really like the sonic articulation on this one so today’s the day! Some reasonably simple ideas expressed with highly literate production and a diverse palette of noise. Instead of an introductory build of steadily hastening 808s, this one is replete with marching band snares that indicate the same steady forward movement with more consistency and more creativity. Throw in some synth (a la Wave Racer) punctuated by cymbals which in turn lead to some watery keys (a la FISHING) and you’ve got yourself a jam that treads lightly on its toes. Sure there’s the obligatory pitch shifted vocal samples but if an Australian producer drops a track without pitch shifted vocals are they even an Australian producer? Science just isn’t ready to answer these sort of questions yet.

As for the image included here, it doesn’t appear to be any official Basenji art but the work of Hugo Muecke whose illustrations I’ve spent the last 10 minutes browsing. I’ve always said, if it’s good enough for Basenji it’s good enough for me.

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