Lord Huron – Brother

posted by tommy

I don’t promise this will be the last post about Lord huron until release date but I do promise that it will be the last this week. Every new single they make public is strengthening my belief that Lonesome Dreams will blow most of the year’s other releases out of the water. They’re slowly revealing the record little by little like a Burgo’s Catchphrase finale, but with a bigger payoff at the end.

Here is a list of things I’m looking forward to a fair bit yet not as much as Lonesome Dreams:

- Christmas
- Cirque du Soleil
- This courier company picking up their phone so I can finally run this track and trace. 49 minutes of hold, no joke.
- Robo-tennis
- Merrick getting new glasses
- Seeing Merrick in his new glasses

Things I am looking forward to more than Lonesome Dreams:

- Robo tennis

I’ve comprehensively demonstrated how significant this release will be. Only the combination of cyborgs and ballsport holds more promise than this record and that’s a fact. Nope, not Australian but I don’t care, I’m smitten. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart if you want to make your dreams dance through the chasms of our lives.

Lord Huron – Brother

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