Disgusting People – Does It Make you Happy?

posted by tommy

Disgusting People are my kind of dudes. Anyone who begins their first ever song with the “Hit me with a sack of golden truthbombs” is scoring points on my matchcard. I’m pretty sure they subscribe to the same school of lyricism that made Beck so famous. You know what I mean? Dropping sentences that don’t mean all that much in tandem but as a series of independent ideas they make you think of a particular place, feeling or sensation. ‘Does It Make You Happy?’ is technically shallow but the production is a firm hand on the back of a memorable melody. Do I need to say anything about its lo-fi recording? It’s glaringly obvious from the get-go and moves the loosely tuned guitar from obnoxious to endearing. Around the minute-and-a-half mark Dr Reverb ups the dosage and we all get wild. Look, it’s probably not a track for the comfort listener but there’s something undeniably charismatic about the thing, especially for a first offering. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Francolin » »
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