
posted by tommy

Here’s another Swede for you to try on for size, and that sounded way creepier than I would have liked it to. This time it’s a gentleman named Dante whose production is out of sight. His beats are perfectly weighted and his vocals are all-up-innit and it’s like pow wow, shlippy wham bam you know what I mean? Of course you don’t. That was absolute jibberish. All I’m saying is that you’ll take the time to listen to the below if you know what’s good for you. I didn’t realise it when I started writing this but apparently there’s some sort of connection with Adele so that’s it then, get out your cheque books. Here’s Dante. EDIT: THIS JUST IN, THERE IS NO ADELE CONNECTION, IT’S JUST A SAMPLE. Back to work everyone.

Also, while we’re here, what’s the deal with Swedes!? Along with maintaining a fantastic degree of diplomatic neutrality (I’m probably confusing them with the Swiss) their second skill set lies in talent development. Jens Lekman, Lykke Li, The Tallest Man On Earth, The Knife, Miike Snow, The Radio Dept., The Hives, Peter Bjorn and John. The nordic folk have it going on, and that’s before we delve into their effective monopoly on all “true metal” since 1990. There must be something in water.

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