Kurt Vile – Blackberry Song

This year was the year that we all got a hold of Smoke Ring For My Halo, the most recent album from Kurt Vile, and then smugly pretended we’d been tracking his career since 2008. “Yeah, Smoke Ring is cool”, we’d say, “but have you heard Childish Prodigy? No? Oh dude, you’ve gotta hear it, it’s waaaaaaay better, you can’t even imagine.”
Kurt Vile – ‘Blackberry Song’
Well, I haven’t even given Smoke Ring For My Halo a proper listen since I’m such a reactionary cat, but what I have listened to is his 2009 album Childish Prodigy, which they say is way better – you can’t even begin to understand. The album administers a healthy dose of 70s DIY psychadelia that would lend itself to a week long roadtrip. Sometimes inaudibly mumbled, other times yelped through stoner drawl, Vile’s lyrics are simple and picturesque, concrete enough to speak of real experience, broad enough that they’re not alienating. The record has such a strong sense of coherency that you really should listen to it through, start to finish. I’ve picked the most accessible song from the record, the beautiful ‘Blackberry Song’ for you to partake of in a quiet place at a quiet moment. Please buy this album. Do it for me but do it for you.