Team Me

posted by tommy

I’ve been knee deep in Devendra Banhart’s What Will We Be this week (almost certainly my most foolishly overlooked album of 2010) but despite the cumbersome weight of it’s hispano-folk glory it’s had to share airtime with Team Me’s Team Me EP. Team Me fall somewhere in the overlap between Jonsi and Arcade Fire with, maybe, a little (read a lot) of Freelance Whales in there for good measure. I’m a sucker for the rising, swelling, crescendoing moments that Team Me are all about. It may not be the in-thing anymore but I refuse to change. Musical taste is moving forward more quickly than a Malaysian bound asylum seeker right now so if you want to keep up with trends you need to act fast. Really though, it doesn’t much matter. You don’t need to be referencing jazz drummers and blues stalwarts to be get to my coinpouch (no double entendre intended). Write a track that speaks to my aesthetic sensibilities and I’ll buy your record, no questions asked. Here are some tracks from one such record.

Team Me – ‘Weathervanes and Chemicals’

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Team Me – ‘Dear Sister’

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The EP is on iTunes here or available of here for you tactile types.

Have your say:

  1. Youngos


  2. sam

    please let me into your coin-pouch…

  3. nick

    please let me into your coin-pouch… (x2)

  4. tommy

    There’s usually a cover charge but not for you two. Help yourselves.

  5. Garth

    I found that Devendra Banhart album fairly average. Give me Lover or I Feel Just Like A Child over it anyday.

  6. tommy

    You can’t compare tracks to albums. But if you’re thinking that Cripple Crow is better as a whole then I’m with you. Don’t sell What Will Be Short though, try this: