The Deadly Gentlemen

Here’s to good times and fiddles in old time folk. The two are synonymous by my way of thinking so it’s with a great degree of cordiality that I share with you the Deadly Gentlemen. We all know it’s not 1921 so there’s no need to be the dude who keeps breaking the illusion. Just run with it and make like we’re straight bootlegging some bathtub liquor.
The Deadly Gentlemen – ‘Moonshiner’
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The Deadly Gentlemen – ‘Bullet in my Shoulder’
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You can go to the effort of download every individual song for free if you’re a penny pinching cat like I am or you can be a good guy and spend ten dollars on the full record and download it all at once. I’ll get them some coin later on. For now they can make do with yours. Truly, it’s a cracking record and you can get it over here.