Fierce Creatures

Here’s another absolute gem that Katie Brown put on my plate a few weeks back and has since made for a tasty feast. The thing about a good meal though, is that you don’t want to overeat. Thankfully that’s not a risk with Fierce Creatures who have slow roasted but one EP over the past two years. And for those who are now wondering, “Tommy! How much longer can this clumsy cooking analogy last!?”, I’ll answer that with these next few sentences. The one off banquet that Fierce Creatures have prepared for you is seasoned with folk stylings, gang vocals, electric guitar and what up and coming chefs these days are calling ‘indie’, whatever the hell that is. Attach your bib, loosen your belt and tuck into this.
Fierce Creatures – Satan Is A Vampire
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You can hear a few more tracks over here. No word on their next release at this point but if you want to get your hands on their most recent material then click right here. It won’t set you back much. Everyone loves a cheap feed right? Ok, I’m done.
a flavoursome banquet