Freelance Whales – Enzymes

posted by tommy

Freelance Whales released an album called Weathervanes last year that left a lot of indie-twee-pop loving kids foaming at the mouth. Honestly though, it was pretty good. They were then picked up by Dew Process in Australia who have done a sterling job getting their name out there. Yesterday they released a new track which they wrote and recorded in the van as a way of messing around with time signatures and it ‘goes alright’. It’s called Enzymes.

Freelance Whales – Enzymes

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James Macleod found this first. His girlfriend is called Roxy Cooper.

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1 Comment
  1. [...] it, they know it. They put out one of the better records of 2009 and have gone on to release a few off the cuff tracks that have suggested that their next record might be moving in a different direction to [...]