Archive for June, 2013

posted by tommy

The mental pendulum has has been in motion for quite some time as I’ve thought upon the Hiatus set I caught the other night in support of Thundercat. It’s kind of testament to the strength of what I saw that I’ve not really thought twice about Thundercat since, all resources assigned to that little ol’ support set. I’ve dichotomised the live set and the recordings for some reason and I just can’t stop wondering which is stronger. At the show I kept thinking ‘ohhhh right, this is what they’re about’ but then I put on their records and suddenly this moment is better than the first. I don’t know and I guess it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t need to be relative and what I’m trying to say is that as a holistic act, Hiatus Kaiyote are worth committing to entirely, fully, indefinitely.

Sunday night was one of the best live sets I’ve seen in years. You’ve probably already seen them live and I’m preaching to the choir but at it’s earliest incarnation, Sound Doctrine was just a platform for me to punt my current tunes through your aural goal posts for guaranteed cred points and uhhhh… sports metaphors etc. That’s why I have to post this; because I really, really love it and nothing more. I’ve touched on Hiatus colláborateurs in posts about Kirkis and Silent Jay but I guess I’d kind of suspected you were all over Hiatus themselves and that may be the case. But if you’re not then this is my gift to you. I don’t pretend that I’m putting you in the know ahead of time here since this is a crew backed by the likes of Questlove and Badu themselves but that’s no matter, you and I aren’t about all that, right? Of course we aren’t.

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